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Reprintable Article – Fat Loss Magic Isn’t Cheap … Or Real

Magic pills, potions and contraptions that promise you instant or easy results … they all sound too good to be true, and there’s a good reason for that. Don’t let yourself get scammed.

Fat Loss Magic Isn’t Cheap … Or Real
by Jackie Burgmann, author of “Hot at Home” – The Transformation Solution for People Who Hate The Gym

NEWSFLASH! There are no magic pills. No magic contraptions. No magic potions. Period.

They’re scams, full of false promises and outright lies designed to get you to spend your money. Plain and simple.

I know it’s not an easy pill to swallow (and yes, the pun is intended), but it’s the cold, hard truth.

The equation for getting and staying healthy and fit is simple … but there is ONLY ONE equation. And it doesn’t include crazy machines, pills or potions that promise fast fat loss and better health without any work or effort whatsoever.

There is no quick way to melt fat and keep it off just by ingesting some crazy concoction made from some ‘as yet unheard of and newly discovered’ substance that costs an arm and a leg.

It all boils down to the basic fact that you must burn more calories than you eat. End of story.

So, how do we do this? We do this by exercising some control (yes, pun intended again), and not eating so darned much. We do NOT do this by popping pills or eating and drinking crazy potions which only add to that calorie count you’re trying to keep under control.

Every single product out there that appears to promise quick fat loss merely by eating or drinking their product without changing your lifestyle in any other way is a SCAM!

Eat whole, natural, HEALTHY foods that keep you feeling fuller longer and you’re going to win the battle.

Let’s move on to exercise. I know exercise is hard and sweating feels uncomfortable and you WISH you could get a workout in, in only 4 minutes maximum a day but I’m here to tell you that will never work.

It doesn’t matter what the machine or contraption is, if it’s promising that you only have to work out for only 4 minutes a day, or that you can get the same results as working out just by sitting and being vibrated or shocked by some electrodes, at the very minimum they are misleading you. But, it’s more likely that they’re telling you a bold-faced lie.

Don’t let yourself be duped by the scammers. They don’t care if you get healthy or lose weight. All they care about is getting your money.

You need to move your entire body a lot in order to truly get fit and healthy.

The human body was designed to move, hunt, gather, run from predators and all that stuff the cavemen used to do.

If we don’t give our bodies a chance to do any of that, eventually our muscles atrophy, the fat settles in, and here we are: the society we are now, experiencing rampant health crises and an out-of-control obesity epidemic.

Yes, it’s hard to hear. But ignorance is NOT bliss. In this case, ignorance could be a death sentence.

Many people seem to prefer having their heads in the sand about what it truly takes to realize good health.

People also tend to be always looking for the ‘easy way out’. And the interesting thing is that it’s not really our fault. It’s part of human nature to look for shortcuts and simple solutions, rather than accepting hard work as the answer.

When it comes to wasting your money and regretting it later, don’t let yourself be a statistic. Save your money when it comes to gizmos and unbelievable promises of fast fitness and quick fat loss.

Put your heart into following the only equation that really works: Calories In < Calories Out. Eat the right foods for maximum energy and nutrients, and not too much of it. Work out to help burn more calories than you're ingesting and watch the fat melt. Once the fact that better health, fitness and weight control doesn't come without hard work and commitment and that there is no magic, no 'trick', things suddenly become simpler. And that's when real results start to happen.

Need a one-stop honest resource of no-nonsense fat loss tactics, real world nutrition strategies and effective fat burning workouts? Get Jackie’s new “Hot at Home” Transformation Solution, the latest in “In Home Training” resources.

Jackie tells it like it is and doesn’t waste your time or hard-earned money with useless fluff, gimmicks, hype or false promises. You get the stuff that will get you real results for lasting fat loss that work in today’s hectic, temptation-filled world.

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